What should I know about web3 to step in?

Let us briefly remind you of the web development history. Web 1.0 gave us an option to get information from virtual space, but users could only consume this information. Web 2.0 transformed all users to content makers and gave us a voice to reveal ourselves, but tied us with centralized social platforms who censor or manage our content on their own rules and get profits from users’ data, e.g. on advertising contracts, making all of us the subject of corporate and governmental surveillance and interest. Web 3.0 makes us the sole owners of the content and assets we create, and tends to give us independence from any centralized business or state authorities and their conflicts of interests.

The core idea of web3 is the date decentralization. It provides transparency, immutability and shifts the control from intermediaries to users. The technology’s solutions which help to execute this idea are blockchain, cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The web3 technology distribution is going to be revolutionary for different industries and a basis for developing individualized economics. With the help of web3 technology people can establish peer-to-peer economic relationships with each other powered by public blockchain.

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