What is the difference between web2 and web3 games?

In web2 games you couldn't own your game assets. You could use them only in game. In web3 your game assets could be your sole property. That means that you can exchange and trade your game assets, buy assets from other players or even rent them out. Web3 developers turn game assets into NFTs (non-fungible tokens). They are limited – so market and exchange relations arise around them.

It sounds fantastic and offbeat for an ordinary world but in the near future everyone will be able to get profits selling truly unusual items – magic wands, airplanes, planets or lands! As every innovative phenomenon NFT-games and NFT-metaverses were created and supported by geeks, but it will be a mass-market story in a few years, like other seems-to-be-geek things before. Web3 is a new incredible growing gamifying field with future services, innovative job and ownership opportunities. Imagine that you could be hired in future to do your job in game? Or have a passive income from leasing your game assets?

So it is the right time to sort it out and be the pioneer! The Land of Clans is a very simple way for you to start in web3 and set off on their journey in the brand new world.

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