How can I earn in a web3 game?

There are 3 types of earning in web3 for now:

  1. level up your game assets (NFTs) to make them more rare and expensive, and then trade them

  2. buy on presale or earn game cryptocurrency (tokens) and trade it on marketplace and Decentralized Crypto Exchanges when it goes up

  3. stake your game currency to get rewarded (it's like a bank deposit, but in the game)

To succeed you should be a little bit a farmer, a little bit a researcher, a little bit an entrepreneur and a little bit an investor – and web3 games will help you to level up all these skills.

To start with, you should be open-minded but careful and don’t risk much – if someone promises you mountains of gold it could be a manipulation or a scam. As in real life.

Your web3 profits depend on the game economy, market conditions and your decisions. And on your luck somehow. As in real life.

Last updated